Asparagopsis armata

Asparagopsis armata
(Diplodus vulgaris). In the background, Asparagopsis armata
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
(unranked): Archaeplastida
Division: Rhodophyta
Class: Rhodophyceae
Order: Nemaliales
Family: Bonnemaisoniaceae
Genus: Asparagopsis
Species: A. armata
Binomial name
Asparagopsis armata

Asparagopsis armata is a red algae situated mostly in deep areas.

In the Azores Archipelago, this algae measures up to 15 cm and compromises a total of many abundance in local submerged parts, it has a boundary with the sea and is located in the Atlantic.

The cycle or life are in two phases of distinct morphology. It is identified in two different species than the same under the scientific names (Falkenbergia rufolansia).

These gametophyte algae occurs between June and July as well as August and September, it conforms to its water distribution. It provides the coloring with red. It has some cylindrical of around 1 mm in length and around 200 mm (20 cm) in width.


See also